Leaders from Jane Addams Senior Caucus and Fair Economy Illinois took action on August 24 at the 8th Moral Monday protest against Governor Rauner's immoral budget cuts.

And Governor Bruce Rauner responded by stating that he is passing reforms to free up resources for the most vulnerable in Illinois. Rauner's statement is an outright lie. Read the press statement from Jane Addams Senior Caucus and Fair Economy Illinois.

22 seniors, persons with disabilities, and concerned allies took arrest to fight against possible cuts to home care services. Please support our brave team with a donation to pay their fines for moral obedience!


Watch a video of press coverage and pictures of our act of joyous rebellion!


Jane Addams Senior Caucus and Fair Economy Illinois hosted the 8th Moral Monday in Illinois. Over three hundred concerned Illinoisans protested against Governor Bruce Rauner's heinous budget cuts and the hesitance of the majority of the Illinois Assembly to take action for progressive revenue. Twenty-two seniors and persons with disabilities risked arrest against specifically Rauner's proposed changes to the Community Care Program that would put 36,000 seniors at risk of losing their home care workers. Not only would workers lose their jobs, but these seniors could end up losing their right to independent living and end up in nursing homes.

Illinois has not had a budget since July 1, and we are no closer to having a budget that puts people over profits. Governor Rauner is holding working families, children, seniors, and people with disabilities hostage in order to push a plan that calls for severe cuts to vital services and programs. And Rauner offers no revenue options from those who can afford it: corporations and the ultra-wealthy 1% of Illinoisans like Rauner himself. Progressive revenue options like a fair income tax, closing corporate tax loopholes, and a financial transactions tax would raise billions of dollars and end Illinois' fiscal crisis once and for all.

Until Illinois has a fair and balanced budget that puts people and planet over profits, Fair Economy Illinois and Jane Addams Senior Caucus will continue to raise our voices in moral protest.

For more information on future activities against budget cuts and other assaults to important senior programs, contact Anna, the Healthcare and Economic Justice organizer, at 312-787-2382 x226 or anna@seniorcaucus.org. The Healthcare and Economic Justice committee will be convening again on August 31.

We are also raising money to help offset the cost of the tickets and fines for our civil disobedience team. Please consider supporting our brave team with a donation, accessible here. Thank you.