Jane Addams Senior Caucus envisions a world where all seniors
can age with dignity and safety, free of ageism, racism,
and other forms of oppression.
Jane Addams Senior Caucus is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors in the Chicago metropolitan area. We cross neighborhood, racial, religious, and socio-economic lines to find common ground upon which to act on our values: a world where all seniors can age with dignity and safety, free of ageism, racism, and other forms of oppression.
We welcome the advocacy and support of our younger allies. We recognize that what we achieve in equity for seniors today will serve them well in their aging years tomorrow.
Through leadership development, organizing and popular education, we use the power of our collective voice to work for economic, social and racial justice for all seniors and our communities.
Jane Addams Senior Caucus has over 500 members from diverse backgrounds fighting for social justice. We know that seniors are valuable to our community and that seniors coming together can improve their lives and be active in civic life.
The issues we work on come from the concerns of our members. Presently, we are working on a wide range of issues, including affordable housing creation and preservation, retirement security, voter registration and Get Out The Vote, and progressive state revenue.
Follow our fight!